Archive for June 2024

June 2024 Newsletter

June Newsletter 2024 TAKE RESPONSIBILITY….Learn the facts and protect your home and family by creating defensible space. I know we have been talking about this on a regular basis, but IT’S A FACT. There are simple things you can do to help protect your home from wildfires and in the past we have given you…

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May 2024 Newsletter

9 Common Ways a Fire Can Start in Your Kitchen: 1. High Heat Source: Stoves and ovens left unattended can spark fires. 2. Cooking Oils: Overheated oils can ignite, worsened by water. 3. Unattended Cooking: Distractions lead to overheating food and cookware. 4. Flammable Objects: Everyday items like paper towels can quickly catch fire. 5.…

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