Upcoming Events

July 2024 Newsletter

July Newsletter 2024 We had a great turnout at Sta. 37 on May 18th. Thank you to all who came by. We look forward to another one in October. Lots of good information was passed out. Here are some of the items discussed and to think about Disasters don’t Plan Ahead – BUT YOU CAN!!…

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June 2024 Newsletter

June Newsletter 2024 TAKE RESPONSIBILITY….Learn the facts and protect your home and family by creating defensible space. I know we have been talking about this on a regular basis, but IT’S A FACT. There are simple things you can do to help protect your home from wildfires and in the past we have given you…

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May 2024 Newsletter

9 Common Ways a Fire Can Start in Your Kitchen: 1. High Heat Source: Stoves and ovens left unattended can spark fires. 2. Cooking Oils: Overheated oils can ignite, worsened by water. 3. Unattended Cooking: Distractions lead to overheating food and cookware. 4. Flammable Objects: Everyday items like paper towels can quickly catch fire. 5.…

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April 2024 Newsletter

Mark your calendars for Saturday, May 18, 2024, for an open house at Fire Station 37 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Meet firefighters, explore engines, and gather fire safety materials. 9 Common Ways a Fire Can Start in Your Kitchen: 1. High Heat Source: Stoves and ovens left unattended can spark fires. 2. Cooking…

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March 2024 Newsletter

Wildfire Ready: Get a FREE Home Assessment with the Fire Safe Council! Protect your home and family from wildfire season with a personalized assessment! The San Diego County Fire Safe Council is offering FREE home assessments to help you make your property safer from wildfires. This program provides valuable insights and recommendations tailored to your…

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February 2024 Newsletter

February 2024 Newsletter For February, we are going to talk about 10 ways to harden your home. 1) When it is time to replace your roof, replace with a fire resistant Class A roof material. 2) Install noncombustible corrosion resistant metal gutter covers on gutter to prevent the accumulation of leaves and debris in the…

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January 2024 Newsletter

Here’s to a FIRE SAFE 2024 Being Well-Prepared: We’ve discussed essential aspects of preparedness, such as maintaining defensible spaces, implementing ember protection measures, and planning for evacuations. In addition to these critical considerations, here are some often-overlooked aspects of advanced preparation: Additional Preparation Steps for January: Beyond Scripps Ranch: Remember: Download “Fire Safe 92131” from…

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December 2023 Newsletter

Being Well-Prepared: We’ve discussed essential aspects of preparedness, such as maintaining defensible spaces, implementing ember protection measures, and planning for evacuations. In addition to these critical considerations, here are some often-overlooked aspects of advanced preparation: Preparing for these aspects may not be something we want to think about, but it’s crucial to consider them well…

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August 2023

TAKE RESPONSIBILITY:Fact or myth? Homes don’t have to burn in a wildfire. Learn the facts,and protect your home and family by creating defensible space!IT’S A FACT: there are simple things you can do to help protect yourhome from wildfires.MYTH:If there is a wildfire and my home is in danger, firefighters will do allthey can to…

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April 2023 Newsletter

MAKE A PLANWe have talked about planning in the past but here are some additional thoughts.Planning ahead of a disaster can help reduce anxiety. It’s important to yourhousehold and neighbors to know how to get in touch with each other and howyou can help each other during and after an emergency. Work as a team…

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