February 2025 Newsletter

Fire Season Is Now 12 Months A Year!

Submitted by Dave Mason Scripps Ranch Fire Safe Council

Spring is on the way to Scripps Ranch -and soon we’ll be gazing at the clear blue sky But, many of us can’t help but wonder, “Are we next?” The horrific fires in Los Angeles, now less than 120 miles away, will be talked about for decades to come—at least, we hope they will.

We must not forget the wildfires that swept through our area in 2003 and 2007, and we shouldn’t. Thanks to the efforts of CalFire and San Diego Fire and Rescue, we’ve made great strides in keeping our community Fire Safe. We owe them a big thank you for all they’ve done to keep us Fire Safe.

At the Scripps Ranch Fire Safe Council, we are committed to the same goal. At our last meeting, we asked the important question, “Are we doing what we hope others will do?”

This is a critical question as we assess our own resources to ensure that the next fire event is minimized through our preparation.

While we can feel somewhat at ease here in Scripps Ranch, we each have responsibilities to stay Fire Safe.

We can help.

· The Scripps Ranch Fire Safe Council Evacuation Plan is a printed booklet containing maps of the area, suggested evacuation routes, and other important information, including a checklist of items to help you prepare. If you’d like a printed copy, please email us at srfiresafecouncil@gmail.com. A version is also available on our website at www.srfiresafe.org.

· There are several ways to use 2025 technology to ensure that your evacuation process is as quick and efficient as possible. Important items can be stored in a personal “evacuation” folder or scanned and stored either on a thumb drive or “in the cloud.” We can provide a list of suggestions if you email us at srfiresafecouncil@gmail.com.

· Stay vigilant. In 2003, we woke up to smoke drifting in from eastern San Diego County. By noon, hundreds of homes in Scripps Ranch were burning. This event led to the formation of what is now the Scripps Ranch Fire Safe Council. The phrase “If you see something, say something” certainly applies. If you spot fire danger, report it to local authorities (9-1-1) as soon as possible.

· Contact us with your thoughts and ideas. We’re here to help and would love to hear your ideas on how to keep Scripps Ranch—our beloved community—Fire Safe. Please reach out to us at srfiresafecouncil@gmail.com.

· If you’d like to find out more about Scripps Ranch Fire Safe Countil, please reach out to srfiresafecouncil@gmail.com or call 858-201-3711

Stay Fire Safe
The Scripps Ranch Fire Safe Council